Imagen: Javier Llorente
No dejó de mirar por la ventana en todo el trayecto. Sus muñecas lucían innumerables pulseras. Barba descuidada. Atractivo. Se pasó el viaje absorto contemplando la realidad a la velocidad marcada por el autobús.
Al llegar, se hizo con una pequeña bolsa que llevaba en el compartimento superior y se dispuso a salir. Al pasar a mi lado, me miró. Con un gesto, me cedió el paso. Le sonreí agradecida y su rostro, de repente, se transformó. Fue su manera de gritarme la soledad que le habitaba. Y le volví a sonreír.
Texto: Santi Casanova
He kept looking out the window all way. His wrists wore countless bracelets. Careless beard. Attractive. He spent the journey absorbed contemplating reality at the speed marked by the bus.
Upon arrival, it was made a small bag which he wore in the upper compartment and set out to leave. As he passed by my side, he looked at me. With a gesture, I gave way. I smiled at him gratefully and his face suddenly turned. It was his way of shouting at me the loneliness that inhabited him. And I smiled at him again.
Traducción; Enrique Llorente