Apenas iluminada por la luz de la escalera y sin más compañero que su osito, jugaba como si no pasara nada. Vivía feliz su niñez. El papel pintado de su habitación, las canciones y los cuentos le hacían creer que su mundo era el mejor. Nada podía salir mal, porque el mal era un concepto que no existía para él.

Su madre le cogió en brazos y con un beso de esos que solo una madre puede dar le susurró al oído -Vamos, es hora de tu baño.-

Afuera, al otro lado de la calle, el ir y venir de coches era el habitual a esa hora. Juan los miraba mientras apuraba su lata de cerveza de medio litro. Tenía frío. Ojalá pudiera darse un baño caliente

Scarcely illuminated for the upstairs light and without more company than his teddy bear, He played as if nothing  happened. He lived his childhood happily. His room´s wallpaper, the songs and the stories made him believe that his world was the best. Nothing could go wrong, because the wrong was a concept which didn´t exist for him.

His mother took him in her arms  and with a kiss one of these only a mother can give the whisper to the ear – come on, it´s your bath time.-

Outside, at the other side of the street, the going and coming of cars were normal at that hour. Juan saw them while he  drank his half litre beer can. He was cold. He hoped to give himself a hot bath.

Traducción; Enrique Llorente