Entré presa de la ansiedad y del pánico de ver mi vida al borde de un precipicio. La luz tenue de aquel rincón me atrapó y, de manera misteriosa, dirigió mis pasos hacia ella. Allí encontré al que muchos adoraban como Dios.
Un puñado de velas eran su única compañía. ¿Dónde estaban aquellos que le llamaban Dios?
Le miré y reconocí mi rostro en el suyo y en su soledad, tomé conciencia de la mía. No quedaba nadie. Sólo Él para mí y yo para Él.


I became prey of anxiety and panic to see my life on the edge of the cliff. The glimmer of that corner caught me and, mysteriously, directed my steps towards it. There I found the one whom many worshipped as God.
A handful of candles was his only company. Where were those who called him God?
I looked at him and I recognised my face in his, and in his loneliness, I became aware of mine. no one was left. Only He for me and me for Him.



